The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
Spirit Dwelling memories spirit teaching Aug 30, 2023

I want to share my spiritual journey with you. Before the decades in between erode my memory. For...

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The Valley happiness jesus truth Aug 28, 2023

For the past couple of months God has been asking me if I was ready. 'Ready for what?' I would...

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The Impossible awakening death healing Aug 23, 2023

It's a rainy cold atmosphere here in Sydney. I started the day painting my mom's home for her,...

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Freed From Suffering a course in miracles testimonial true prayer Aug 23, 2023

I remember when a beautiful gift arrived in my inbox. A student of The Treasure Map, Barchi,...

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Healing Eyes happiness the treasure map true healing Aug 10, 2023

You do not know what anything is for!

For almost twelve months I have been moving through...

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No Order of Difficulty a course in miracles happiness true healing Aug 06, 2023

When you change your mind from judgment and attack to the right mind of peace and love, with...

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God's Teachers acim truth workbook Aug 04, 2023

Are you aware of the ten characteristics of a teacher of God, taken from the Manual for Teachers...

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Keeping Your Word divine guidance trust truth Jul 13, 2023

Your true word belongs to God. Do not seek to make true the words of the ego-mind, disrespecting...

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The Lasting Light of Love eternity healing love Apr 30, 2023

As I head inward to clean up The Treasure Map, preparing for worldwide launch, I stumbled upon...

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Invulnerability right mind teaching truth Mar 03, 2023

Invulnerability means not to be open to attack. Now, if you make the ego-mind and body your home,...

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