The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
Unwillingness to Forgive forgiveness true prayer truforgiveness May 17, 2024

It is your unwillingness to truly forgive that covers the true source of love that is who You are...

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True Power opportunity true healing true prayer Jan 04, 2024

When I first started my spiritual journey, I believed that to be spiritual was to go with the...

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Thanking God god gratitude true prayer Dec 10, 2023

God is in constant communication with the right mind of peace and love, to where The Treasure Map...

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Spiritual Awareness revelation spirit true prayer Dec 09, 2023

What the ego tells you is your problem never is. For the cause has been concealed deep inside....

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Sexual Illness true healing true prayer truforgiveness Dec 08, 2023

Whatever sexual illness you are moving through - from premature ejaculation to sexual abuse or...

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7 Deadly Sins true healing true prayer truforgiveness Dec 06, 2023

In truth, sin refers to separation - when you chose the wrong mind of judgment and attack instead...

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Safe Sobriety addiction miracles true prayer Dec 05, 2023

To be free from alcohol, drugs, or any bad addiction is to reclaim the light within that knows...

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Right Mind happiness right mind true prayer Dec 04, 2023

When you forgive within and purify what you think from the wrong mind to the right miracles are...

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Needing Help divine guidance help true prayer Dec 03, 2023

When you are lost and alone, scared and confused, pained and punished, it is because you have...

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Mental Health discernment mental illness true prayer Nov 30, 2023

The true cause of all suffering is the misperception of sin. The belief in separation from...

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