Welcome to God's True Healing
Forget what the ego teaches for you must learn to change your mind from the wrong to the right. Yes, there are two minds. The wrong mind of ego thinking and the right mind of revelation. Let me teach you what God has taught me. And it does make miracles happen.
Purified Thinking...
Forget positive affirmations, for there is a new era being born. Purified Thinking, where the thought is not only positive but it is also true.
The wrong mind refers to ego-identification with your awareness in the brain. The right mind refers to your true Self of being, Perfect Love, that can be accessed via the treasure maps you make. For hidden deep within the subconscious is the mind of revelation that has the power to make your impossible dream, possible. And whilst I cannot guarantee what miracle you will receive, you must trust The Treasure Map. For she is God's true healing tool in time.
Introducing Tash
Spiritual TeacherĀ ā¦ Truforgiveness HealerĀ ā¦ Guide for God
The Treasure Map
is a gift from God sent to save us from suffering
Did you know that there are two minds? The wrong mind of judgment and attack that keeps you bound to littleness, lack, and lovelessness. And the right mind of peace, love and innocence for All that will reveal your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self. As well as the happy dream in time you are worthy and deserving of!
TheĀ Treasure Map
The true way to forgive that God has granted. It means True Forgiveness,Ā when you forgive at the cause, not merely the effects of form. It takes you to the truth of Perfect Love that is within.
ThisĀ FAITHĀ is no idle theology as it takes you from ego fear to Perfect Love, where God can be found. It is a 5-step process to be granted miracles. It is how you truly forgive and truly pray.
The 'I Forgive' Principle
The āI Forgiveā Principle isĀ how you remove the barriers to the awareness of love's presence. It offers an interlocking chain dissolving the entire shadow, leading fromĀ problem to peace.Ā

The Revelation of the FAITH of God
The FAITH of God is a 5-step process that teaches how to practice Truforgiveness. It takes you from the ego-mind to the right mind, which is where God can be accessed.
God's truth of FAITH doesĀ not separate, as it is universal in love and spiritual in truth. To truly forgive you must withdraw the shadow of suffering you project without that covers the truth of Perfect Love that is here for the innocent Mind. This is true healing, undoing ego-identification to return thinking to the right mind of peace and love that presents the happy dream in time.
It is time to return God's true FAITH to the people...
Truth RevealedThe Treasures Within...
Truforgiveness Reviews
The Gifts of Truforgiveness
From Abundance to Zest, there is an alphabet of gifts that those who forgive within will open up to receiving...
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