Truth belongs toĀ Oneness, not separation of form. There is only One that you shall bow before and that is God, the Creator of Perfect Love. However, you show respect to a brother that walks ahead of you on the journey to unlearn fear to remember love; making clear the path that leads to the peace ofĀ wholeness you seek to know.

Andrea G (America)
"Natasha did some healing work for my son who has a hearing impairment and speech/language difficulties due to this loss. Through her Forgiveness methods, she was also led to do some healing work on me. My son is scheduled to have cochlear implant surgery next month. We have both been anxious about this procedure. After Natasha did a few weekly healing sessions, I noticed a calmness and peace that came over both myself and my son. There was a level of acceptance that occurred that was not there before she completed her healing work. I also noticed my son being more confident and open to reading out loud. I believe in the power of Forgiveness even more now that Natasha has shown me how her mind works on the forgiving of ourselves and others for the separation from God and experiencing internal changes firsthand. I am continuing to use the example of her FAITH teachings to assist with changing my own perception of healing at this core level."

Reaya P (Australia)
"What I loved about Natasha's course in Truforgiveness was the synchronicity that unfolded with each lesson. During the night I would be shown in dreams that which I needed to work upon the next day. I loved that there was a higher force guiding us. To make time each day to pull through the layers and sink deeper into myself gave me much insight and compassion. I will not lie as some days it was tough to go and walk through the darkness but after this there was so much love and light that followed. Within the first week of the course, amazing opportunities started to form around me. The beauty of going within is once you connect yourself back to Source you can only become light and this you shine from all parts. Thank you Natasha for your guidance and wisdom throughout this journey. Namaste."

Cynthia M (America)
"I honestly believe I was guided to you and the course of FAITH. It was never my intention to complete a course like this, I did not know it existed and I did not even understand how it would work. After leaping in following my guidance with no resistance at all I successfully completed the entire course. Amazing! I believe FAITH is a reminder that you are love and a way back to love, purpose and peace. It has helped me find my way out of darkness and to see my light a little brighter every time. It has helped me heal myself, heal my wounds. my sorrow, my pain that I was covering up due to fear. It has helped me face fear and forgive myself."

Steph P (Australia)
"I have had many miracles occur this week and I have watched myself move through events in a new way without self-doubt or criticism taking me over. I would catch it and was able to do the work shown to us over this course. As I shifted, those around me shifted, and my reality was not driven by drama. Last night and today in particular have been filled of miracles and beauty. Feel very blessed to have had chance to go through this course. Would recommend everyone work through the treasure map. I feel a real sense of inner peace, calm and self-love."

Barchi F (Canada)
"I am beyond happy and grateful to have Tash as a teacher. She is everything a great teacher should be and more. With her, I could express my emotions fully without being judged. That is something I valued the most, a feeling of total acceptance. I also loved the way she took care of everyone during the process. There was absolutely no drama and the whole atmosphere was just full of love and support. But probably one of her best traits is her immense care for humanity as she is sharing this wonderful gift of Truforgiveness with the world. I believe this is priceless."

Dana S (America)
"Being given the little nudge to be committed and consistent through Natasha's Truforgiveness journaling method I unfolded into the deepest layers of forgiveness. Even though at times, the ego intensification was overwhelming I ended each step at peace. I highly recommend application of this Truforgiveness method and will continue unfolding embraced by unconditional love. I am always comforted and feel safe and supported by Natasha's writing style."

Nadja P (Europe)
"The Truforgiveness session with Tash allowed me to practice Truforgiveness in a completely safe, loving and non-judgmental space. She helped me through ego blocks and I could get in touch with my divine part within myself. I got a glimpse of my light that shines underneath all the various layersā¯¤ļø¸ and we could crystallize my main blocks. I could see that there is always light behind the foggy veil ā¯£ļø¸ Thank you Tash."

Claudia D (Canada)
"This course approaches the idea of forgiveness in a deep, personal way. Not only did this course teach me about the layers of forgiveness, but it also taught me about the relationships in my life - with others, myself and most importantly, with God. Natasha has a deep passion and understanding. I am deeply grateful for the insights gained by taking this course!"

Dani G (Australia)
"The modality of Truforgiveness Therapy is unique; it is effective and I am truly blessed to have the access to continue my therapy with Tash McKenna. Where I was in a dark place of despair searching for a therapy that would help, it is this that has led me towards light and love and spiritual healing. I have worked 1:1 with Tash, as well as working through the courses as well."

Andrea D (Australia)
"The Truforgiveness Treasure Map® is an amazing tool which I know I will be using for the rest of my life on both personal and professional levels. I now feel the weight has been lifted. I am no longer carrying the anger and pain in every aspect of my life like I was before."