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True Power

opportunity true healing true prayer Jan 04, 2024
True Power

When I first started my spiritual journey, I believed that to be spiritual was to go with the flow, not upset the apple cart, to be quiet and to keep the peace. Honestly, it simply kept me stuck in being a doormat to ego abuse. I got nowhere and was overpowered. For I did not know what true spirituality was. Now, let me give you an example of what being spiritually strong means.

You must learn to escape the ego thought system of separation and specialness to reclaim the thought system of God (the right mind) that is whole and holy. And whilst you seem to be in time, you will have to work against the ego, that is cruel at times.

Yesterday there was a car accident. Gratefully, there was no one in the car. But when my mum returned to her vehicle it was damaged. There was no note. The onus would be on her. It would be a $695 excess for going to get a coffee.

I spent a few hours yesterday trying to fix this for her with the insurers. As I waited on hold to an overseas call centre I was thinking about how much time the ego loves to waste. Most of my day was taken up trying to fix this issue. The problem became that the insurer was to nominate the mechanic, and they were choosing one that would take around 30 minutes to get to. When we had one 300 metres down the road.

Back and forth we went. I could not understand why I could not go locally. The operator kept on repeating the same script to me that had been written for her. Eventually we were speaking over the other. After an hour of this standoff, I asked for the manager.

This is what the ego has done. It has set up a system to keep you trapped to its law. It says that if you are spiritual then you will be quiet and go with the flow. This then allows the ego to push and prod you as it sees fit.

My day was filled with darkness yesterday. At one stage I did not know what to do. The inner voice – the right mind was not budging – even though my ego-mind wanted to cave and just do as I was told.

I ended up doing two (2) inward meditations to clean this problem up. Yes, I allowed tears to fall. Something that has not happened to me in a while. The stress was unbearable. It seemed to cloak me in all directions. As the darkness seemed to swirl I sat in the midst of it. I could hardly do anything else. This was no longer about insurance, but the right mind versus the wrong. My right mind was refusing to waste time and travel to a place I did not want to go. You must remember, the right mind and the wrong mind are different thought systems. They do not speak the same language. This is why there is confrontation. You simply truly forgive whatever is disturbed, as is what I did.

In fact, what this was about was me reclaiming a sense of power that I had given away a long time ago. The journey was not easy, it was painful, but the peace I received upon return to the right mind was simply miraculous. When I had found peace the problem would be resolved.

Today I received a call. They had approved the mechanic just down the road, which means I can walk home from dropping it off. I cried again on the phone. I was met with kindness. This made sense. To take the vehicle 2 minutes away, not somewhere that I did not travel. I was always going to move through the stress. Be that yesterday in the fight to go to a mechanic close by, or the stress of going to a mechanic some distance away. That would waste my time. For to me, time is extremely valuable, for we have limited time in each life we seem to dwell. And now that I have found my purpose in time, I seek not to waste it.

I remember the years that I allowed time to be stolen from me. If you seek to steal my time from me, I will fight you to get it back. Time is what you make it to be. So, seek not to go with the flow of ego thinking and the rules it has enforced. Listen to the right mind, and refuse to bow down to the ego. For in truth, You are so much more than what the ego could even conceive.

I stood my ground yesterday, even when the shadows swirled with hate. Do not be forced to do something you do not want to do. Speak your truth, and do not allow the ideas the ego has set for spiritual to be your own. To sit in the peace of separation and say nothing. For you will have to fight to escape the ego thought system and return to the thought system of God, the right mind. It is the right mind that is peaceful and kind. And if you have not made your Home upon the rock of Perfect Love, then you will get dirty in the process, as you move from separate to the same.

If you would like assistance in reclaiming your own power then perhaps look into The Power & Strength True Prayer. This will assist you to reclaiming the light within that is so complete it is not at the mercy of the ego shadows of suffering.

How do I feel right now? 1 - right mind. 0 - wrong mind.

Make no mistake. It is a game to reclaim the right mind. To find your way to freedom is to fight your way there. With a tool that cannot hurt or harm: Truforgiveness. The stress I endured yesterday was a chance to reclaim my power. This is how I then become grateful to the call centre, for I was gifted an opportunity to find my light. 

This is what you must do as well. So, let me be clear. You cannot consciously control your thinking, to be peaceful and kind from the wrong mind. For hidden within is the hate from the misperception of separation. You must go through the dark to reclaim the light, which is what I did yesterday (once again).

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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