Sexual Illness
Dec 08, 2023
Whatever sexual illness you are moving through - from premature ejaculation to sexual abuse or from herpes to intimacy issues or from deviant demands to sexual shadows - you must clean up your thinking from deep within.
If you have hidden your hate or secret sin within the genitals then you will move through pain and punishment. Your true function thus becomes to dissolve the guilt to know grace. For where the truth of Perfect Love reside sickness nor suffering cannot be known.
Many are embarrassed by what they confront sexually. You must purify what you think by truly forgiving the darkness inside that you see without. God does not leave any of His children stranded. If you are being punished through a sexual illness, please begin to dissolve the darkness that seeks sickness and suffering. The shame you seek to hide is from the misperception you are sinful of separating from Source. It is not who You are in truth. You must find the true You, and now you are being asked to clean up the sexual story. The deeper you are in darkness the dirtier the thinking. You must face what you have hidden within, instead of running from it. I only ask you this. You are accountable for what you do to another. If you move through thoughts of sexual attack, then do your best to clean these up from within before they are placed upon another. We must unite to dissolve the darkness to discover the light. For the light is our true reality. The true healing may not happen overnight, or it might, for I am not in charge of the Atonement principle. Have FAITH in yourself. When things get too heavy, let yourself rest. Being mindful to continue to forgive within the subconscious to discover the truth of innocence for All. Truly forgive all those you have been intimate with. Some you might find easy to clean up, others might take you years. Do not judge the shadows for to do so is to make true. Truly forgive and you will find your way through the dark and into the light. This is how miracles are made. For all darkness you confront within is what you are being asked to clean up, as part of the Atonement principle.
There is no shame in connecting sexually when you extend the truth of love, Perfect Love. For love seeks to unite not to divide. You must always listen to the inner voice as to what is right for you. And the more you forgive within the clearer this voice shall become. The Treasure Map will find a way to free you from suffering, this I know, but you must place your idols of sin, guilt, and fear, upon the altar within to reclaim the light of wholeness and holiness you think you have lost.
I am not here to advocate for or against sexual intercourse. For you must follow the inner voice, your true guide in time. And what is right for one in this lifetime might not be for another. You 'forgive within' and clean up what you think about sex, and as you move from dark to light the story will alter as well. Remember, each seeming separate self is starving for love. The ego has taught that love (a type of special love) is given and received by sex. Granted, this might be one way, but there is another way. The right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness.
Let me be clear. There are two minds, and for a long time the second mind referred to the sexual organ. This is incorrect. The wrong mind refers to the thoughts of separation and specialness, with your thinking in the brain. The right mind refers to the mind of wholeness and holiness, with your awareness in the lower gut, where the mind of intuition and gut feelings are granted.
If you are moving through sexual dysfunction here is an exercise that you can complete. Sit in meditation with your eyes closed. Allow the sexual thought to surface. From an overactive sexual stimulation to sexual terror. Whatever this is allow this energy to move through you. Being mindful to truly forgive each wave of emotion with the 'I Forgive' principle. Seek not to pleasure yourself now or to continue to deny what is within. But to find the pleasure of true connection - Oneness - that has been hidden from your awareness. For those filled with darkness, the true light you seek is underneath this heaviness. You must clean up this darkness before you project it upon another. And if followed correctly, you will find unison with your right mind of peace and love. As well as receive the divine guidance that you seek. For the right mind will grant you steps as what you need do that is kind and not cruel.
Remember, the cause is within, not without. So if you suffer with a need to sexually stimulate yourself daily, many times, you might need to clean up the shadows that land upon your hands. To remove the guilt to know grace. You must trust what you are asked to clean up within. You see, I once lived in an apartment underneath another male. I once heard him tell someone that he needed sexual gratification 20 times a day. And this was what he did. I can confirm that I would often hear this happening to my dismay. I would actually have to leave my apartment and go for a walk. It offered me many Truforgiveness opportunities myself. However, for this man to not be punished by this addiction, he would be best to start to truly forgive this compulsion. And what happens over time is balance is made known. For that is what is healthy and harmonious.
If you feel called to complete this true prayer, then head to the link below to find out more. Whilst this set of 30 questions has been set to complete as a true prayer, morning and evening for ten (10) minutes, it can be completed as journaling activity. If you do decide to write out this treasure map, please allow for 90+ minutes to do so.
The Sexual Illness True Prayer
Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,