The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
My Guilt-Free Grace happiness healing meditation Jul 27, 2024

I wanted to introduce you to my mat... my PEMF (light) yoga mat... well, for now, it is more like...

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Unwanted Advances happiness true healing workbook Jan 01, 2024

A long time ago there was a man that wherever I went he was there. As much as I could I did all I...

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Right Mind happiness right mind true prayer Dec 04, 2023

When you forgive within and purify what you think from the wrong mind to the right miracles are...

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The Valley happiness jesus truth Aug 28, 2023

For the past couple of months God has been asking me if I was ready. 'Ready for what?' I would...

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Healing Eyes happiness the treasure map true healing Aug 10, 2023

You do not know what anything is for!

For almost twelve months I have been moving through...

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No Order of Difficulty a course in miracles happiness true healing Aug 06, 2023

When you change your mind from judgment and attack to the right mind of peace and love, with...

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Right Sight happiness miracles true healing Nov 24, 2022

If you want to live a great life then you must stop judging the events of form and instead 'clean...

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It's All Interpretation happiness self-love true healing Dec 19, 2021

As I walked late yesterday afternoon, on a blistering day in the land down under, I was stopped...

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Dreams Come True happiness miraculous manifesting truforgiveness Jul 23, 2021

We are all wanting to have a better life, consciously! But what you need to be aware of is that...

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The Divide acim awakening happiness Jan 18, 2021

You are not the separate self of ego-identification, You are the being of Perfect Love that has...

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