The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
Meet Mr J miracles perfect love the treasure map Jun 23, 2024

It was late 2018. I was deep in the subconscious mind, completing a Truforgiveness Healing...

Dive Within...
Aching Loneliness giftbook perfect love self-love Dec 14, 2023

I know what it is like to feel lonely. It was a very strong emotion that I felt when I was...

Dive Within...
Loving Authenticity love perfect love true prayer Nov 30, 2023

All egos are fake for the ego teaches you are sinful of separating from Source. What you see in...

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God, The Son & The Holy Spirit god perfect love trinity Jan 10, 2022

In truth, there is only the Father and the Son. In the beginning, there was God and He extended...

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Having & Being miracles miraculous manifesting perfect love Aug 20, 2020

In life we do not associate having and being as the same. Yet, in truth, they are, for they run...

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Forgive Within for Love guilt perfect love true healing Feb 06, 2020

Perfection belongs to the Oneness, which is hidden within you right now. However, those...

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Undo Ego-Identification ego god perfect love Jun 23, 2019

Do you know what true healing is? It is when you undo ego-identification returning you to your...

Dive Within...