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Loving Authenticity

love perfect love true prayer Nov 30, 2023
Loving Authenticity

All egos are fake for the ego teaches you are sinful of separating from Source. What you see in form must be truly forgiven, and when the shadow has been removed you will no longer see this projection in time. In truth, authenticity belongs to non-judgment, Perfect Love, being open, right-mindedness, etc. For the ego has set up rules of chaos to keep you chained to its thought system of sin, guilt, and fear. If you continue to 'forgive within' to change your mind from the wrong to the right, you will find the true authenticity that you seek: Oneness with God. No longer will you connect with the ego form, for you will have built your Home upon the rock of Perfect Love (the right mind) that offers the doorway from sin to innocence. You cannot truly connect with another whilst you allow the shadows of separation from Source to define. 

The truth of authenticity belongs to the right mind of wholeness, holiness and happiness. For truth belongs to Perfect Love (being, not body). So, take the shadows of suffering when they are seen and clean up the hidden hate and secret sin, to reveal the light to true authenticity.

The body is not truth. It is your teaching device through time. Look after it. Take care of it. Do not be defined by it. For to do so you cut yourself off from the wholeness of holiness that sits within that knows revelation. This is where true authenticity can be found. So, stop judging, start truly forgiving, and as you be more you will have more, for being and having cannot be parted.

The truth of FAITH has been revealed by God. It takes you from the wrong mind to the right, which is where God can be found. You must forgive within, truly forgiving each layer presented with the 'I Forgive' principle, as you give up guilt for grace. Follow The Treasure Map as you place your idols of separation upon the altar and the door from dark to light will open. This is how you purify your thinking from false to true which will eventually lead to knowledge. 

Yes, it is the ego-mind that is fake, so judge not, truly forgive everything to remember the light of wholeness and holiness that is your true identity. I must add, you cannot ignore the story of time, and when someone lies there are consequences, but everything must be cleaned up from within. Truly forgiving everything to take the shadows to move from separate to the same. This is how you truly heal and make miracles your own. And before you accuse someone of lying to you, remember, you are lying to yourself. For you are telling yourself that you are the body born to die, not the being of Perfect Love that need wake.

If you feel called to complete this true prayer, then head to the link below and complete your treasure map.

The Loving Authenticity True Prayer

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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