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Animal Beings

Nov 25, 2023
Animal Beaings

Around 2010 as I was moving through intense sickness, I was given a gift. I was taken out of my body. As my spirit started to rise whilst my tense body lay on the bed, my being was moving upward. Through periods of time, as though time was a storybook with different chapters running simultaneously. Up I went, tumbling through centuries, until I was out of time completely. I could finally breathe, for no longer was I a prisoner of form. I was everything, for I was expansive being not the separate self of littleness, lack, and lovelessness. I came to see in this moment that there was only One of us here. Separation was not true, for we are One not many. Yes, the split-mind dreams of separation, but in the truth of wholeness and holiness we are the same. I am you. You are me. We are the animals and the sea. The plants and the planets. There is no difference, although time certainly does portray otherwise. For the world of form was a dream from the sleeping Son's Mind. There was no separation, which is what the ego likes to demonstrate. Thus, we are fighting ourselves. Attacking ourselves. Eating ourselves. 

By continuing to project blame we maintain the belief in differences and allow the shadows of separation to define. Trapping us to the ego-mind of pain, punishment, and problems. Yes, the animals are no different from who we are. For they too are being not body. Part of the mind that dreams that death in duality is true. We must unite to withdraw the dark shadows the animals move through, to assist them to move into the light and loving lessons.

If you see animals being abused, then truly forgive this sight. If you see animals acting up, then truly forgive their fear. Clean up the dark shadows to stop them from projecting further into time to allow the light concealed within animals to shine bright. If you do not believe you deserve to be caged, then do not cage your animals. And when the shadows of separation have been removed from animals, they too will be granted their freedom, however the right mind sees fit. Your true function in time is to forgive within to remove the shadows of cruelty that seek sickness and suffering. Just because you are human in this lifetime does not mean you will be in the next. You might be the animal you ate or the one you abused as a child. This holds true for me as well. For in truth there is only One of us here, dreaming a dream that separation from Source is possible.

Next time you look at an animal, see within them. They feel the same as you. When they lose their babies, it hurts as well. When they are waiting to be slaughtered, they know terror. As you will when your lifetime to be in their hooves happens. Remember, we are all moving through the shadows the belief in separation from Source has made, even the animals. Thus, they are moving through pain and punishment, as we are. So, undo the darkness to discover the light. This is how we will all heal and change the story in time from fear to love.

To truly support animals is to withdraw the suffering they are moving through with your Truforgiveness practice. This then allows the light of the right mind to shine upon them to help in grace. As the ego-mind does not know what anything is for. Truth be told, when you remove the shadows from animals, and truly forgive them, you will find gratitude for all they have to offer.

If you would like to complete your true prayers for animals, as you work through a treasure map, then head to the link below to make this map your own. Whilst it is set out to be completed as a true prayer, allowing for ten (10) minutes morning and evening, it can be completed as a journaling process. If so, grab something to write in and ideally, allow for 90+ minutes to complete this mind-correction from fear to love.

The Animal Beings True Prayer

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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