The Truforgiveness BlogĀ 
Lost Love healing true healing true prayer Nov 29, 2023

Love cannot ever be lost, even though the eyes witness it so. For the truth of love, Perfect...

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Kindness & Care kindness true healing true prayer Nov 29, 2023

To be kind is to be truly forgiving to withdraw the projections of guilt you place upon another....

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God's Guidance divine guidance god true prayer Nov 28, 2023

God is not separate from You, in the truth of your being Perfect Love. Yet, whilst you sleep and...

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Family Awareness family true healing true prayer Nov 28, 2023

To truly pray for your family is to remove the shadows that make this dark instead of delightful....

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Daily Problem divine guidance help true prayer Nov 27, 2023

What the ego tells you is your problem never is. For the cause has been concealed deep inside....

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Constant Cravings addiction true healing true prayer Nov 27, 2023

That which you crave is what you must truly forgive. Sometimes you might complete one treasure...

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Body Scan healing right mind true prayer Nov 26, 2023

Do not underestimate the power of the right mind of revelation, for it knows and does not...

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Bad News healing true healing true prayer Nov 26, 2023

From what you read in the media, to what you watch on the television, to a telephone call that...

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Word Hate giftbook healing purification Nov 25, 2023

The words you hate, the ones that have a negative impact upon you, are the words you need to...

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Asking For Forgiveness forgiveness true prayer truforgiveness Nov 25, 2023

All prayer is divine. For it is a means of communication with the created to the Creator. To...

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