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Constant Cravings

addiction true healing true prayer Nov 27, 2023
Healing Addiction

That which you crave is what you must truly forgive. Sometimes you might complete one treasure map and you are completely released. As I was once with an addiction to Diet Cola. I had drunk it for decades. More than one a day. I grew tired of this constant craving, enough so that I sat down for 3.5 hours and journaled a treasure map, The Addiction Treasure Map Giftbook. Yes, it took me almost half a working day to clean up what was hidden within the subconscious, but on the other side of this pain I was once protecting was the peace of God. And complete release from this addiction. I have never craved another drink and nor have I had one. What fascinated me the most was that I was unknotting the unconscious belief that Diet Coke would make me beautiful and popular. It was subliminal advertising that I was being released from. So, if you truly seek to be freed from a constant craving, do the inner work to unchain yourself from that which you have become negatively attached to.

Truth be told, you want to have a constant craving for God. So much so, that you are willing to undo the ego thought system of sin, guilt, and fear to return your awareness to the right mind of peace and love, where God is. You do not do this mind-correction once and leave it at that. Day after day you continue to come back to it, until you have found release from the ego prison that teaches you are worthless, no good, and undeserving. Yes, the ego has set up a jail to keep you chained to its chamber. Outside of this is all the love you seek. It is perfect, peaceful and powerful, and will not see you reach for something external to fill the void. Why? Because you will reclaim the right mind that is so complete fear cannot be found. This means you give up your addiction to be pained and punished, to be at One with peace and thus pleased. For the right mind knows the true and positive Thoughts You share with God. From here you will not be denied your good and great dream in time.

You are always learning about something. So whether you sit in the wrong mind of ego thinking believing you are craving food, sex, money, love, work, etc. or the right mind that knows the light and loving lessons in time (abundance, blessings, confidence, divinity, enlightenment, etc.) is your choice. And when you forgive within you come to see it was your true Self of wholeness and holiness you were truly craving. The remembrance of innocence for All, where God can be found. The Father of Perfect Love that is everything, and where you have come to know you are nothing without Him.

Whatever you think you need, clean this thought up from within until you discover the right mind of goodness and grace that grants the doorway of completion you seek. The return to your being Perfect Love that eventually leads to waking from the dream of death in duality. Honestly, you crave God in the truth of Oneness. For now, you sleep dreaming you are something you are not, sinful of separating from Source. Everything you want is within, for when you reclaim the light of the right mind (wholeness & holiness) you will extend this without and witness blessings not burdens. Clean up what you painfully crave to be completely released from it.

If you would like to start to clean up what you painfully crave, to move through the dark and into the light, then perhaps dive into The Constant Cravings True Prayer. Whilst this is set to be completed as a ten (10) minute true prayer (morning & evening), it can also be completed as a journaling process. If you do decide to journal your treasure map, you will need 90+ minutes to do so. As I mentioned, after a 3.5 hour session of journaling the 'I Forgive' principle, I was completely released from a decades long addiction to Diet Coke. You must learn to unknot the pain within to find peace. For where peace has been made welcome, punishment cannot follow.

Let me be clear, to truly heal you must do the work. The 'forgiving within' to change your thinking from the wrong to the right. The results will be worth it. Truly worth it. As long as you truly forgive what you find within, you will be kept safe from the story of time. No, it is not always easy to clean up the guilt inside, but the release into grace is simply miraculous.

The Constant Cravings True Prayer

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

P.S. Please note, that I cannot guarantee the results you will receive, for I have learnt that if you truly want to heal then you will find a way, just as I did. You might say you want freedom, but if the inner voice still seeks to hurt and harm itself, then healing will wait until you are ready to release yourself from the need to be pained and punishment. It is what is hidden within that determines your fate.

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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