The Body Love Maps

When you reclaim the light of the right mind you extend this upon the body. To move from hate to healed, pained to peace, and fear to love, Perfect Love. Remember, You are the being that must wake from the dream of death you have fallen into.

Truforgiveness Body



Remove the Guilt Within that is the True Cause of Pain & Punishment

Note: You are accountable for what you move through in time. So stop blaming and take back your power to move from the wrong mind to the right. This is how you truly heal and make miracles your own.

True Prayers


True Prayers

15 Page PDF Download



The Giftbooks

45 Page PDF Download

Meditations & Giftbooks


Meditations & Giftbooks

90 Minute Meditation & 45 Page PDF



The Workbooks

Multi-Day Maps (10 Days)


The Light Within

That which is Perfect Love cannot be sick or suffering. Whatever pains or punishes you with your body is what you must truly forgive to free. For example, for a large majority of my life I have required reading glasses. This demonstrates that I have shadows of suffering that land upon my eyes. Of course, I reach for glasses in order to correct my vision (magic) but I also complete the miracle. Dissolving the hate that hinders my sight, until I love what I see in time.

You are given cues as to what you need to forgive within and when. If I do not begin to dissolve the shadows that land upon my sight, my eyes will continue to get worse, as I allow the problems to continue to project into time (the guilt of sin and separation). Ideally, by completing my treasure maps for my eyes, hopefully I withdraw enough shadows to stop the suffering.

It does not mean I do not go and see an optometrist, of course I do, as you would as well. It means you have the power of the right mind to release you from suffering. You need to make the mind-correction from the wrong mind to the right to make your dreams come true. The true dream is the return to peace and love, where the completion of God protects you from the shadows the belief in separation from Source as made.


The true cause of all suffering projects from some aspect of the belief you are guilty of sinning against God to play god yourself in time.


The truth of grace belongs to Perfect Love, where there are no shadows to seek sickness or suffering. Grace belongs to the right mind of revelation.


To be great is to return your thinking to the right mind of wholeness, holiness & happiness. Where your being everything holds true.

Medical Disclaimer:

It is time to stop pointing the finger and blaming another. For the true cause of the complaint is within, not without. For nothing happens by chance. If you loved yourself, truly loved yourself, you would have the best doctors in the world. As you see without what is within. And I have the perfect example for you.

My dad was diagnosed with melanoma. He had to act swift, this meant he had to go through the hospital system as a private patient and not a public one. The removal was scheduled a few days later, and all looked well. I believe he had a follow up appointment a few weeks following, as well as one some six (6) months or so later. At this meet up my dad was told that he was all well and that the melanoma had been successfully removed. In fact, it was not. It was now moving through his body. And in another few months he would pass.

I telephoned the private oncologist a month before my dad left his body. I was furious, as you can imagine. However, I did not look upon taking further action. I simply needed to vent, and let him know his procedures were wrong. He needed to change lanes, as he gave my dad the all-clear, yet he was dying from cancer. And would die a few weeks later.

I share this now not to shame another, but for you to know that no one leaves this world without their true consent. From their right mind, not the wrong. So, let's stop fighting each other, and instead to clean up the shadows when they are seen in time. However, if a serious breach has been made, the right mind may guide you to take action. For example, if someone commits murder, then they will fall underneath the shadow of punishment, and sent to prison. Let the right mind lead you - the mind of perfect, peaceful, power.
