The Giftbooks...
Truforgiveness Body
To Truly Pray...
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Two Hours


By the time you complete the giftbook the release from darkness will be delightful

The Treasure Map is the therapy you do with God. As you learn to take your problems to truth, where they will be purified from pained to peace.


Helpful Direction

Do you need some help in deciphering where to go or what to do?



Family & Friends

You must truly forgive the issues you have with your family to move from pained to peace.



Fears & Shadows

Hidden underneath the darkness is all the love you seek: Oneness with Perfect Love.



Finance & Money

The darker you are in grievances and guilt the more problems with mental health you will have.



God, Goodness, Grace

In the truth of wholeness and holiness concealed within, you will not be denied your great dreams.



Healing Home

To heal your home is to withdraw the shadows that conceal the light of Perfect Love.



Miraculous Manifesting

Learn to miraculously manifest by removing the barriers that keep you trapped to lack, loss, and limitation.



Positive Feels

To feel good is to find the right mind of wholeness and holiness where true happiness reside.



Truforgiveness Global

Assist to heal the world by withdrawing the shadows of guilt that seek sickness and suffering in time.

The Right Mind

The right mind is your voice of intuition, only when you get the barriers out of the way, no longer is the guidance sporadic but instead constant. 

I am in communication with God, for I have successfully moved through a purification process that allowed me to change my mind from the wrong to the right. Make no mistake, I did the internal work of Truforgiveness. Until I reclaimed the truth of light that is whole, holy and happy. It is this that grants the happy dream in time.


A prayer of the ego seeks to entreat. This keeps you trapped to the wrong mind of littleness, lack, and lovelessness. 

True Prayer

A true prayer takes you deep into the subconscious mind to truly forgive the darkness that conceals your light.

Power Prayer

 When you have uncovered the right mind you extend light with the 'I Love' principle, that is powerful & purposeful.

Truforgiveness Teaching

Joseph Campbell & turning burdens into blessings...
"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center.
You find the jewel, and it draws you off.
In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly."

How does this relate to The Treasure Map?
Whenever you have a problem or lose peace of mind, you stumble. It becomes your chance to 'forgive within'. Instead of looking without for the answer, you must 'go within', mentally dive deep into the cave of the subconscious that is dark and depressing, as it stores your hidden hates and secret sins.

By following the path of FAITH, which is the process of Truforgiveness, it leads you through the cave of cruelty to find the treasure of Perfect Love that is the treasure you will remember.

The jewel you seek to locate is the pearl of perfection that belongs to knowledge, not perception. When you find the truth of love within, you will extend this outwards and see a peaceful and loving earth. As what is within projects outwards. If you do not like the picture in time that you see, remove the veil of guilt that distorts your sight. One way to do this is via The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the 'I Forgive' Principle. If you are ready to become free from fear, alter the events of form you were set to face and find the true treasure you seek to remember, then mentally dive into your giftbooks that make miracles happen.

There are many treasures to find along the way and what you 'forgive within' is the treasure that you have found.

The Release Stealing Giftbook

It is time to stop the shadow of stealing from concealing out sameness, Perfect Love

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