The Treasure Hunt...
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The Treasure Hunt...
The Giftbooks


Journal Your Way to Perfect Love


  • PDF Download 
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  • 15+ Hrs of Practical Application

Be gentle with yourself as you clean up the darkness that conceals the right mind of truth, trust and totality. When you uncover the light within you will put down the 'I Forgive' principle and extend the light of the 'I Love' principle of perfect, peaceful, power.


Beautiful Abundance

In the wholeness of holiness, Perfect Love, you will not be denied your good & great dream in time

Coming Soon


The Truth of Love

Perfect Love would not hurt nor harm, for its safety & security lay in the truth of completion



Release Bullying

Withdraw the darkness you see in time to extend the light of Perfect Love that protects and pleases



Great Money

Reclaim the light of wholeness that is so abundant the shadows of suffering cannot be known

Coming Soon

Belongs to the right mind of revelation


Belongs to the light of Perfect Love


Belongs to spirit not form

Divine Guidance

Each treasure hunt includes ten (10) treasure map giftbooks, as well as 10 true prayers to move through. I would suggest you complete one treasure map every three days. Allowing 90+ minutes to complete your map. Alternatively, you could complete ten (10) questions from each map every day, allowing yourself 30 minutes of daily journaling. This then grants 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice over the month. On the days you decide not to journal you can mentally recite your true prayers.

The Treasure Map Revelation

A 13 page PDF download to dive into the truth of Chapter 5. VI. Time & Eternity, as you change your mind from the wrong to the right with 'The Time & Eternity Treasure Map.'

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