Ā The Good Enough Treasure Hunt

It is the wrong mind of ego thinking that is not good enough for You. For in truth, You are the being of Perfect Love that must wake to the truth of their innocent Mind.

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The Giftbooks
Ā Good Enough
Wholeness Healed
Good Enough For Love
Freedom From Fear
Reaching Respect
Bonus: Good Enough For Money

At least 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice (excluding the bonuses)

See Within...

The Good Enough Treasure Hunt

It is the ego that is unworthy of who You are in truth. For You are the being of Perfect Love that must wake to their perfect, peaceful, powerful Self. Do not accept the limited thinking of the ego to be your own, for it was born from the belief in sin, which is negative and nasty. Truly forgive via the process of FAITH and you will give up yourĀ small-minded thinking to know the true Self that is everything, not nothing. This is when you will know just how good enough You are.



One Month of Truforgiveness Practice

Up to eleven treasure map giftbooks

At least 15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice

Bonus Gifts: ACIM explained (Chapter 4 – V. The Ego-Body Illusion), meditation ideas, love letters, musical inspiration and videos

Non-refundable purchase

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Hidden Within You Is The Truth Of Perfect Love

You do not need to strive to be something that you are not, or pretend to be what you think others want or need, for you are perfect, peaceful and powerful. However, this is found in the right mind, where The Treasure Map leads to.

Hidden within you is all the love you seek. The remembrance of your Perfect Love that is complete and whole, where there can be no lack. It is here you will know how good you are and that there is nothing in the world of form that is even worthy of your holiness.

You need to remove the barriers to the awareness of just how good enough you are and The Good Enough Treasure Hunt is set to do this. 

Whilst the true treasure you need to seek and find is the doorway that leads to your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self, this can take some time. Until you have undone the outer shadows that seek to hide the truth from you. The more you continue to go within, truly forgiving the darkness you uncover, the greater the chance you will have to find the eye of a needle that leads from illusion to reality. Reality being the Oneness of Perfect Love you share with God. Until then, enjoy the gifts that are granted by your honest and authentic offering of Truforgiveness.

The treasure you find and truly forgive in the subconscious mind is where the true healing takes place.

This mini-course will ensure you remove as many shadows of the sin of separation that calls forth the punishment you experience in the dream of time. With potentially eleven (11) giftbooks to complete, you will certainly change the ego script you were set to face. When you clean up within you brighten the picture in the illusion of time. 

Upon purchase, you will receive a link to your mini-course. Ideally, it will take you one month to complete. However, listen to the inner voice to guide the pace.

Each treasure map should take you around 90-minutes to complete, so you will have at least 15+ hours of forgiving within ahead of you, excluding the bonus material. The bonus material includes ideas for your nightly treasure map meditations, one week of journaling the 'I Love' principle, which are your love letters to Self, musical inspiration to assist you to access the subconscious mind to draw up your treasure maps and a treasure map meditation.

What you think you are good enough for will have been greatly corrected by the time you complete this treasure hunt. Not only would have The Treasure Map corrected your thinking, but your behavior will alter and the events of form will have been rearranged, all by your honest & authentic offering of 'forgiving within'

You can change your life. Do not be afraid of the darkness for it covers the truth of your being perfect wholeness.

The Treasure Map Giftbooks

Good Enough

Let this map teach you just how good enough you are, by undoing the fear that comes to confuse you. You are good enough, but this truth is found in the right mind of peace and love, where there is no belief in sin, guilt, or fear.


It is the ego that is insecure, not You! You are not the ego, you are the being of Perfect Love that needs to awaken. Your security is found in Oneness, not separateness. 


You are deserving and when you give up the guilt within you will know this. Do not allow limited thinking to stop you from enjoying the happy dream that is available to those that know innocence and not sin. 


Your worth was set by God when He created You as an extension of His Perfect Love. The more truth you reclaim, the greater you will know how truly worthy you are and there is nothing in the dream of time that is unworthy of You.


You sell yourself short. You are everything, not nothing and it is time to remember how truly valuable you are, as you let go of separateness to know your wholeness: Perfect Love. 

Wholeness Healed

It is in the wholeness of Perfect Love that you shall become truly healed. For the symbol of separation in time, the ego-mind, is the true cause of every pain/problem you face. 

Good Enough For Love

You are totally good enough for love, for you are Perfect Love, you have just forgotten this. But it is time to remember by locating the right mind of peace and love.

Freedom From Fear

Every treasure map you draw up undoes a little of the ego fear and returns thinking to the right mind of peace and love. This is true healing, for the world of form is a projection of the thoughts you think within. 

Reaching Respect

When you know yourself as love and not fear, you will reach the respect that you desire, for what is made within, is seen without. You will be respected when you discover this within.


Trust is built upon the foundation of Perfect Love and this grows the more you place your Truforgiveness upon the altar to God, as you let go of the little self of ego thinking.

Good Enough For Money

For those that complete a review of this course, you will be gifted with a BONUS treasure map giftbook. Come to know that you are good enough for money, for money is the effect it is not the cause.

Coming Soon

This is a complete mini-course to assist you throughout the month to move from fear to love, to start to remember just how good You are. I would suggest you read through the entire course first, prior to diving in, as it will give you an idea of what you are seeking to find.

I promise you this when you find the truth of Perfect Love within You will know how great You are. No matter what shade another throws your way, no longer will you buy what they have to offer. The wholeness of holiness within will keep you safe and secure as you move through time.

As this is a digital download product, there is no refund policy on this purchase.