Ā The Abundance Treasure Hunt

When you reclaim the truth of wholeness within, Perfect Love, by letting go of ego-identification to find the right mind, you will become more abundant. For Perfect Love is so complete it cannot be in lack.

Coming Soon

If you are ready to journal your way to the abundance you seek, then undo the limited thinking that sees you play small. For The Treasure Hunt is big on practical application to make those miracles your own.

TheĀ Giftbooks:
God's Love


15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice (journaling) plus bonus gifts


See Within...

Steph P (Australia)

"I have worked with Natasha's work for the last 6 months and recently completed The Abundance Treasure Hunt. This course, in particular, unraveled all the foundations that were holding me back to appreciate the abundance in my life. What I thought was my focus during the course shifted beyond what my small mind could imagine and the result was pure miracles. I received abundance with the healing in family and close relationships and gifts would show up, once I did the treasure maps. I'm ready to start it all over again and watch the magic unfold. I love Natasha's work. It's truly helped me come to peace with my past and be grateful for the present without the cobwebs!"



One Month of Practice

Ten (10)Ā treasure map giftbooks

15+ hours of Truforgiveness practice

Ten (10) true prayers

Bonus Gifts: ACIM explained, music melodies, treasure map meditation and more

Non-refundable purchase

Coming Soon
Abundance Is Found In Wholeness, Not Separateness

As I was preparing the work of The Treasure Map to present to the world, I faced rejection after rejection. Most people would just ignore me. I remember the evening that God came to me and gave me much-needed advice. 

"Find the truth of Perfect Love within, this way you will not be denied." I knew what He meant, as what is within is seen without. If I wanted an abundance of success and goodness for The Treasure Map, I needed to cultivate it from within, so that the ego could not dampen this dream.

The abundance you seek to know can be found in the lightness of love, Perfect Love. You simply take what is not working in your life, and begin to clean it up from within. To withdraw the dark shadows of suffering that covers the truth of love. You see, everything projects from within. If you do not clean up the mess in your mind, you allow your problems to multiply. If you continued to truly forgive whatever problems or pained you each day, as it happen, you would receive the most amazing results. 

When you learn to truly forgive the darkness, by going deep down into the subconscious mind, you will eventually find the truth of Perfect Love that is abundant in all goodness. Extend this outwards, and your dream in time will become delightful instead of depressing. We are each in charge of cleaning up the lack within. We must each do our part to heal in wholeness and to wake from the sleep of separation that we have fallen in. 

Whilst each hunt includes ten treasure maps, to ensure you remove as many shadows of the sin of separation that calls forth the punishment you experience in the dream of time, here you will have eleven. As a bonus giftbook is offered for a review of the course. With numerous giftbooks to complete, you will certainly change the ego script you were set to face around goodness and grace. When you clean up within, you brighten the picture in the illusion of time. Whilst you can go at your own pace, it does include your Truforgivneness Prescription to give you an idea of how to move through it.

Whilst the true treasure you need to seek and find is the doorway that leads to your perfect, peaceful, powerful Self, this can take some time. Until you have undone the outer shadows that seek to hide the truth from you. The more you continue to go within, truly forgiving the darkness you uncover, the greater the chance you will have to find the eye of a needle that leads from illusion to reality. Reality being the Oneness of Perfect Love you share with God. Until then, enjoy the gifts that are granted by your honest and authentic offering of Truforgiveness.

When you think of abundance, what comes to mind? Most people think of material possessions, but The Treasure Map transforms in love. As such, she might transform your family relationships, business connections, self-esteem. Do not fear this, as the more of the wholeness of holiness you reclaim within, the more of the abundance you will have and be. As having & being are never separate

TheĀ  Giftbooks


Begin to see within what the abundance you crave, as the doorway to miracles starts to open. Do not limit thinking to the world of form, for when you extend love outwards everything good becomes abundant to you. 


In every moment you choose what you experience. Whether it is an abundance of happiness or sadness is what you decide. The less guilt within the more the chance of happiness you will have. 


You can wake each day with joy from within when you know your truth as innocence and not the guilt of sin. Let go of those grievances, for they seek the ways of suffering and enjoy your journey through time as you head towards awakening. 


You are perfect, peaceful and powerful, but this is found in the right mind, which is buried within the subconscious. Allow The Treasure Map to correct your thinking and remind you of who You are and to know power instead of problems.


Hidden within you, underneath the grievances you carry, is the goodness of Perfect Love. The more of the shadows you remove from your mind, the more of the goodness you enjoy as you swap the nightmare for the happy dream. 


You are totally worthy, however, it is your true Self that is worthy, not the self that you have made: ego-identification. Allow The Treasure Map to gently undo the ego so you can discover the truth of worthiness that sits within. 


Love is always successful, it is fear that is not. When you give up the guilt that seeks to hurt you, you allow the goodness of the innocent Mind to gift you with the pleasures of this world. It's your choice to succeed or fail, so choose wisely. 


The more guilt within you give up, the more you will allow yourself to experience the happy dream. You are deserving of all, for you are the All, not the nothingness that the ego deems you to be. 


Allow Truforgiveness to undo your fear and shift your thinking to the truth of love that is hidden within. Truforgiveness is a blessing, not a burden, as it releases you from the prison that you had made. 

God's Love

Perfect Love belongs to God, special love belongs to the ego. They are different and yet hidden deep within you, underneath the layers of darkness is the remembrance of God. Here you find everything that you have ever wanted. 

Abundance of Peace

For those that complete a review of this course, you will be gifted with a BONUS treasure map. There is nothing more valuable than peace, when you have peace, you have Perfect Love!

Coming Soon

As this is a digital download product, there is a no refund policy on this purchase. You must remain accountable for what you move through in time, for when you blame another you cut yourself off from the truth of wholeness that offers the abundant dream that is worthy and deserving of the Child of God You are in truth: perfect, peaceful and powerful.