Body Love

The Giftbooks


Your deeper dive of the journaling of The Treasure Map

  • 90+ Minutes to Complete
  • 30 Questions
  • Bonus Journaling Activities
  • Purified Thinking

Purchase them all as part of The Beautiful Bundle and you will receive 6 bonus giftbooks. Keep scrolling to find out more.

The Beautiful Bundle
Great Sport


Anxiety Disorder

A lack of FAITH and trust leaves you vulnerable to the lessons of torment in time

Great Sport


Belief Correction

With each treasure map you complete your thought purifies from false to true

Great Sport



You must remove the veil of guilt that keeps the truth of Perfect Love from your awareness

Great Sport



By purifying what you think you change your perception from false to true

Great Sport



Find the light of Perfect Love within and you will remove the obstacles in your way

Great Sport


Family Home

To unite in love is to remove the shadows of separation that seek division and darkness

Great Sport


Finding Family

To be found is to locate the right mind of peace and love that knows sameness, not separateness

Great Sport


Healthy Boundary

The greater the love you extend outward - from the right mind - the better the boundaries you will have

Great Sport



When something breaks you must seek the shattered pieces and clean them up to reclaim your wholeness

Great Sport


I Love Money

When you no longer fear money you will love it. It is love that attracts for there are no shadows of separation

Great Sport


Knowledge Within

Knowledge belongs to wholeness and holiness, where the light of Perfect Love holds true

Great Sport


Miraculous Manifesting

Allow the light of the right mind to assist you to build your great dream in time

Great Sport


Money Stress

Dissolve the darkness you project upon your money to stop being plagued by separation and suffering

Great Sport


Need Help

What you clean up within the subconscious you have without

Great Sport


Stay With God

To stay with God is to follow His FAITH that leads from the wrong mind to the right

Great Sport



When you cannot find a way out, truly forgive until what was once closed becomes open

Great Sport


What's The Matter

What you think you problem never is for the true cause is the belief in separation from Source

Great Sport


Who Am I

You must learn to change your mind to know your the being of Perfect Love not the body born to die


The Beautiful Bundle

For those that purchase all the giftbooks on this page as part of The Beautiful Bundle, then you will receive these 6 bonus giftbooks as well.

Calm Bladder


Body Problem

The problem you have is what you must forgive within to find peace

Calm Bladder


Be Kind To Yourself

When you remove the veil of guilt in the subconscious you will stop seeking to hurt and harm yourself

Calm Bladder


Childhood Abuse

This shadow must be cleaned up by truly forgiving it to allow the light to extend outward in kindness

Calm Bladder


Dental Health

Remove the guilt from your mouth as you utilize the power within to help you

Calm Bladder



When you lack motivation it is because you are stuck in the shadows of suffering

Calm Bladder


My Story

The story of the separate self needs to be truly forgiven to be freed from

The Giftbooks

A true prayer is about changing your mind from the wrong to the right by dissolving the guilt of sin to remember grace. God is in constant communication with the right mind of being which is to where your true prayer takes you. So undo the idea in separation from Source to become saved from suffering. Ideally complete each true prayer morning & evening, allowing for 10 minutes to mentally work through the set of 30 questions.

Purchase The Beautiful Bundle

Truforgiveness Teaching

Whilst you are free to 'forgive within' on your own, a traditional treasure map consists of a series of 30 questions to ensure you do go deep enough within to forgive at the cause and not merely the effects of form. You see, you must remove the entire shadow of guilt that covers the light of grace; Perfect Love. This allows you to extend innocence without, and by giving up the darkness of sin, which grants the happy dream in time.

The true cause of all suffering is the need to punish yourself for the guilt within. Yes, it is guilt that seeks hurt and harm. So truly forgive all the shadows - those that you see within and those you see without - for in truth, they all belong to you. If it is not within you then you will not find it.

Please do not blame anyone for what you move through. As we each have a set curriculum ahead as to what we need to clean up to be released from.

I would suggest you allow yourself two hours to complete the giftbook. Sometimes it can take more. However, this is the Truforgiveness Therapy you do with God, and by the time you complete the map your thinking has been purified from false to true. If you are in fact, truly forgiving what is in the subconscious mind and not what is in your brain. For the goal of The Treasure Map is to uncover the right mind of revelation.
