Enlighten Me

Short courses to assist your true healing and learning. As you discover the FAITH of God that is the way within that leads within. 

It is time for the truth of the right mind to be revealed to you.

  • Truth is of Being
  • Being is Perfect Love
  • Two Minds
  • Wrong & Right
Body Movement


Good Enough
Mini Course

Seven (7) days of practical application to assist you to find your being Perfect Love.

Great Sport


Having & Being

5 Day Challenge
Daily Videos, 5 x Giftbooks, 5 x Meditations, ACIM Explained

Coming Soon
Body Movement


ACIM Themes Opened

Be gently introduced to some of the themes of ACIM and begin to make these your own

Coming Soon
Body Movement


Financial Freedom with Truforgiveness 

A month of spiritual teaching and true healing, as you clean up your financial story in time

Coming Soon
Body Movement


Self-Love with Truforgiveness 

A month of Truforgiveness as you reclaim the truth of your being Perfect Love concealed within

Coming Soon
Body Movement



With each map you map to place upon the altar with you will be rewarded, as you give up guilt for grace

Coming Soon
Body Movement


The Senses
Mini Course

Clean up your senses - from what you see to what you hear - to move from pained to pleased.

Coming Soon
Body Movement


The Truforgiveness Journal

Discover the divine guidance you seek about your work, for the answers are within

Coming Soon
Body Movement


Winning Formula

When you let go of guilt you will stop seeking for ways to hurt and harm yourself

Coming Soon
The Right Mind

Truth belongs to the right mind that has been hidden deep within the darkness of the subconscious. The ego-mind has its own thought system and it is intent on you not escaping. You must follow the truth of FAITH, which God has granted to change your mind from the wrong to the right.

It was in the early naughties that Jesus told me that in 50 years time (c. 2050) everyone would be learning ACIM via 'forgiving within' and revelation, by following The Treasure Map.

Truforgiveness Teaching

A miracle is a change in perception from fear to love. The ego has begun to teach this as positive thought. But the Course is not about positive thinking but rather purified thinking, which is what The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness, FAITH & the 'I Forgive' Principle delivers.

You must truly forgive each layer in the subconscious to mentally tap with the 'I Forgive' principle to open the door to peace and love; right-minded thinking.

ACIM is not about consciously controlling thinking - for this maintains the belief in separation from Source. You must purify what you think from false to true, which is what occurs when you complete your treasure maps. The practical application of the type of forgiveness mentioned in the Course, but was not explained how to do it.
