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The Two Minds

mind right mind true healing Jun 27, 2022
The Two Minds

There is a new spiritiual-psychology being birthed into consciousness and it teaches the truth of the two minds. You see, the ego-mind which is home to judgment and attack where you are bound to the idea of sin, guilt, and fear and the reality of separation and specialness is not your true mind. Hidden deep within the subconscious is the right mind of peace and love that knows being and not body-identification. It offers spiritual wisdom via revelation, which is not open to ego interpretation. For true spirituality belongs to Oneness, something the ego-mind will never comprehend. Why? Because the ego-mind is the symbol of separation in time, powered by your belief in it. You must learn to change your mind, not by consciously controlling thinking and focusing on thoughts of goodness, but by shifting from the wrong mind of lack, loss, and limitation to locate the right mind of truth, trust and totality. Yes, deep within you is your true reality. It is where the positively true Thoughts You share with God can be found. And to access this right mind you must purify your thinking from fear to love. So, stay with me, for at the end of this article you will be offered an exercise that will teach you to change your mind, and thus correct your story in time from suffering to salvation. Yes, you will learn how to make miracles your own.

Positive affirmations are not knowledge and nor are they true unless they have been purified from dark to light. For they keep you bound to the limited thinking of ego-identification. And in truth, it is the belief in separation (the ego-mind and body) that is the cause of every complaint you face in time. Here, I will teach you how to change your mind to find the true happiness you seek those seers of the past have spoken of but not offered you a treasure map to find your way from guilt to grace.

You must learn to mentally dig through the subconscious mind, truly forgiving everything you find and if you do go deep enough within you will dissolve the darkness that dims your light.

You were created as an extension of the Perfect Love of God, the Creator of All, but whilst you believe you are the limited self of judgment and attack you will never know the true Self that God created: Perfect, peaceful and powerful. This belongs to your being, not body. Whilst you sit in the effects and allow the negative thinking of ego to be your identity you will never know that you are everything not nothing. It is this right mind concealed within that will start to teach you how incredible You are. You see, it is the ego-mind that is home to unworthiness, undeserving, and not good enough. When you start to clean up your thinking, not by denying judgment, but learning how to truly undo it to find the peaceful and kind thoughts concealed within, miracles are made. And you will let go of the nightmare to welcome the happy dream that precedes spiritual awakening.

For those of you accustomed with the spiritual tome, A Course in Miracles, it teaches a path to inner peace and salvation via forgiveness. The noted author is Jesus, the scribe was Helen Schucman, and along with Bill Thetford they managed to birth into the world something that was not of it. However, the true way to forgive was not included in the Course and this is where The Treasure Map comes in. For The Treasure Map grants the true way to forgive to find where the choice for separation has been concealed within the subconscious mind. And it is this that uncovers the right mind of revelation.

It is this right mind hidden deep within that leads to One-mindedness. This world of form is the playground of punishment to the ego-mind but to the truth of who You are, Perfect Love, it is the dream you need awaken from.

There are many paths to enlightenment and ultimately awakening, but you must find the right path that calls to you. Here, I will teach you the path of FAITH that God taught to me. It is how you truly heal and change your mind from the wrong to the right and make those miracles that ACIM mentions. For the truth of FAITH that God has revealed is no idle theology, as it takes you back to Him. From the negative perception of the belief in separation to the truth of sameness within, Oneness, where God is. Find this wholeness of holiness within and where Perfect Love has been made welcome fear cannot follow. The release this grants is priceless, and by following the FAITH of God, which is how you truly forgive, miracles are made.

The Truth of FAITH Revealed 

The FAITH of God is a 5-step process and is an acronym for Forgiveness, Authenticity, Introspection, Trust and Honesty. You must learn to withdraw the shadow of sin that you cast upon another and purify from within. For example, if you judge someone as being abusive, this is your own abuse you see without. For what is within extends of projects outward. To truly forgive you must decide to orgive the judgment you have made, for it is the judgmental thoughts that reinforce the belief in separation from Source. The true cause of every misery and mayhem you make. And so, to forgive is not to condone but to undo that which keeps you bound to the idea you are limited, lacking, and loveless. Once you decide to forgive you must become authentic and be accountable for what you see in time. You must withdraw this shadow of separation that covers the truth of light hidden within. This FAITH of God is how you ‘forgive within’ to change your mind from the wrong mind to the right. A little warmth of wisdom for you. Have you ever had a gut feeling or an intuitive hit? Something deep within to guide you in a certain direction? Well, this is the right mind and when you learn to get out of your head, by undoing the ego prison you will no longer get those sporadic spells of goodness and grace. You will be in constant contact with the truth of divinity hidden within. No longer lost and alone, but with a complete compass of love and light to guide you from guilt to grace in time. As you become enlightened, which leads to awakening.

To be enlightened is to be in the right mind, where the reality of Oneness holds true. Not bound to the wrong mind and have an encyclopedia of past thinkers that you have studied from. You must undo the darkness within to discover the light. This is what it means to be enlightened. To start to achieve this, you follow the third step of the process of FAITH which is introspection. You must mentally dig through each layer of darkness you find concealed within the subconscious. Knocking on the layers presented with the ‘I Forgive’ principle. When Jesus told you to knock until the door opened, this door of darkness in the subconscious is the doorway he revealed. You must keep on tapping with each layer, truly forgiving it all, until the door from dark to light opens and you locate the right mind of peace and love. When you finally find this right mind, you must trust that what you have truly forgiven and placed upon the altar within will be taken from you. This is the fourth step of the FAITH of God. And it is from this right mind within that you can find the honest thoughts of peace and love you share with God. This then allows you to extend light outward, and where you once saw a sin to be punished, you will now see a mistake to be corrected. This FAITH takes you back to God, to the truth of who You are: Perfect Love. No longer lost and alone, for you have the power of Oneness to support your dreams in time. You have given up being punished by the effects to correcting the cause, which will change your story of suffering to salvation.

You must learn to change your mind by following the FAITH of God which is how you truly forgive. For the right mind teaches being and not body-identification. By the time you find this right mind, you must have completely forgiven the hidden guilt within, from the belief you are separate from Source.

So, how do you change your mind from the wrong to the right. Let me make it simple for you, as you start to purify your thinking from fear to love. Firstly, take your awareness from the ego-mind, the brain, and drop it deep down into the subconscious mind. Just below the belly button is perfect. Now, you must continue to keep your thinking in this lowly position and not bring it back up to the ego-mind. Whatever you find concealed within you must truly forgive. For this is a course in Truforgiveness, not judgment and attack. The aim is to undo the judgment that keep you bound to the littleness of ego thinking. So, with your awareness in the lower gut, mentally feel for the inner voice and apply the ‘I Forgive’ principle to all you find. The key is to dig deep inside. With each layer you apply this principle to go deeper down and there will be something else being asked to be truly forgiven underneath it. Now, if you get stuck, and the inner voice tells you there is nothing else there, that you can go no further, this is called an ego block. For the ego does not want you to escape its thought system. Just keep on repeating this same layer you are on until you can sense a doorway to drop deeper within appear. Remember, the light of Perfect Love has been concealed underneath this darkness in the subconscious mind. If you do go deep enough within you will find the light that will ease your suffering, which is always some aspect of the belief you are no longer whole.

Now, let me give you an example of what your treasure map from the wrong mind to the right might look like. These can be completed as an inward meditation or part of a journaling activity. So, let me resolve with the process of FAITH, which is how you truly heal and purify your thinking from fear to love, what the problem of today is? Pay attention to how my thinking will have corrected from dark to light by the time I complete this map to miracles.

I forgive the problem of not getting myself out. I forgive the problem of not wanting to get out. I forgive not wanting to be out. I forgive wanting to stay in. I forgive needing to stay in. I forgive imprisoning myself. I forgive the need to not imprison myself. I forgive the need to punish myself. I forgive punishing myself with my work. I forgive being punished with work. I forgive hurting myself with work. I forgive myself for going around and around in circles. I forgive the need to stop going around in circles. I forgive the need to not go around in circles. I forgive the need to not go around in circles. I forgive the circles. I forgive the circles. I forgive the need to not make circles. I forgive the need to go straight. I forgive myself for going straight ahead. I forgive the need to go straight ahead. I forgive the need to get ahead. I forgive myself for getting ahead. I forgive the need to get ahead. I forgive myself for getting ahead. I forgive myself for getting ahead. I forgive the need to get ahead. I forgive the need to get ahead. I forgive myself for moving forward. I forgive the need to move forward. I forgive the need to move. I forgive myself for making a move. I forgive myself for making a move. I forgive the need to move. I forgive the need to move. I forgive myself for moving. I forgive myself for moving. I forgive the need to move. I forgive myself for moving. I forgive being happy with my move. I forgive the happiness of my move. I forgive myself for being happy with my move.

Not only will you learn to correct your thinking from fear to love, with this purification process of The Treasure Map, but you will receive all the divine guidance you need as you make your journey through time. Backtracking through the hidden hate and secret sin you have buried within to remember the Self that you are in truth: Perfect, peaceful and powerful.

The wrong mind of judgment and attack is unworthy of who You are in truth. So truly forgive every shadow of suffering you see to reveal a gift of grace concealed inside. This is how you begin to build your home upon the rock of Perfect Love, and not the shifting sand of time, which represents the powerlessness of the ego-mind.

To complete your treasure map:

  1. Take you awareness deep into the lower gut area, just below the belly button.
  2. Listen to the inner voice to offer you the layers you are to apply the ‘I Forgive’ principle to.
  3. Continue to mentally drop deeper within, judging nothing and applying ‘I Forgive’ to all.
  4. If you do go deep enough within you will uncover the light of Perfect Love that has been hidden from your awareness.
  5. This is how you change your mind from the wrong to the right and extend the truth of Perfect Love which offers the happy dream in time.

Well, now it is your turn to change your mind from the wrong to the right. Ask yourself, ‘What is the problem I face today?’ And either via journaling or an inward meditation, follow the steps I have explained as you let go of fear to find love, with the FAITH of God, which is called The Treasure Map.

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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