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Bad Karma

miracles true healing truforgiveness Jul 03, 2020
Bad Karma

It is Truforgiveness, the way that God teaches forgiveness that truly heals for it undoes the guilt within the subconscious mind which seeks the ways of suffering. Allowing you to change your mind from the wrong to the right. Yes, it is the guilt inside you - from the misperception of separation from Source - that seeks sickness and suffering. Bad karma!

I remember years ago when Eckhart Tolle released The Power of Now. I was watching an interview with him, and he stated that he kept on mentally cleaning his book with forgiveness. I was already studying forgiveness myself at this stage, but I was yet to understand the depths of the true healing that it grants. 

"The most important step out of the karmic law is forgiveness."

- Eckhart Tolle

You see, when you clean within by truly forgiving that which is separate, miracles are made. This is why his book went on to become an international bestseller. He withdrew all of the shadows from it, that separates and suffers. 

It is not only the body that is in need of true healing. It might be your relationship, career, or your business aspirations. It could be friendships, finances, or release from feeling trapped to insecurity. When you undo the darkness in your mind miracles are made. For you change your mind from the wrong to the right. And it is the right mind that is filled with peace and love that seeks to grant the kind dream in time.

Truforgiveness withdraws the entire shadow of the sin of separation and cleans from within. All the goodness you crave is inside you, hidden deep down in the subconscious mind - the ego hopes that you do not find this. You carve - with the 'I Forgive' principle - to find the angel that is hidden from your awareness. By doing so, this allows you to extend love, and makes your time here delightful instead of depressing. The key is to continue to do it. The more you 'forgive within' the better the results you achieve. You have no idea at how deep this true healing is, as you undo fear to remember love. A love so complete darkness cannot enter.

If you are seeking freedom from suffering, learn how to truly forgive to undo your past in the present and release your future from suffering. One Truforgiveness opportunity at a time. 

If you are ready to undo your bad karma, and start making good karma, then dive into The Treasure Map and begin to draw up your maps that will free you from the misperception of sin. The happy dream is here for the innocent Mind. All that is asked is you give up the darkness within you that covers the truth of your light. This mind-correction from fear to love can be completed as an inward meditation, true prayer, or even a journaling session.

What is the bad karma that you would like to be freed from? Are you willing to truly forgive it to let it go and stop the shadow from continuing to project outward? If not, ask yourself why you wish to be punished, as it is the guilt within that seeks to hurt you, nothing else. 

Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness, 

The Miracle of the Map

A 13 page PDF journal that will introduce you to The Treasure Map

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