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Greek Pea Stew

recipe May 21, 2020
Greek Pea Stew

Since the mid-1990s I have been vegetarian, so when I find a recipe that I love, I stick with it. Especially as I have always been a fan of peas. They were a much-loved staple in my childhood home, so much so, that at one stage, a delicacy would be to have a pea sandwich. I have since outgrown this but when I came upon this rich recipe (Greek Pea Stew) when I was living in Greece, well, I just never forgot it. 

I spent a proportion of my young adult life in Greece. I would love to say that I was young and care-free, but, whilst I was young, I was struggling with so much internal pain that it was a hard to get through my days. I no longer know this person, for I have begun to undo ego-identification and return my thinking to the right mind of peace and love that offers the truth of wholeness, where there can be no lack, loss, or lovelessness. That is right, every problem you have stems from your choice to be the separate self of the ego-mind, instead of the being of Perfect Love that dreams they are something they are not. Sinful of separating from Source.

Teachers have told us that the ego-mind with its judgment and attack thoughts are not who we are. But until the ego begins to be undone, it is hard for us to know this. We believe we are the thoughts we think.

You are not the dark thoughts that stem from the belief that separation from Source is possible. Your truth is Perfect Love, but to know this, you must begin to truly forgive every barrier to the awareness of love's presence within. This is what The Treasure Map does.

My first stop on my sojourn through Greece (after I flew into Athens) was Mykonos, in 1997, where I met a local boy and fell in love. It was one of those moments that really does alter the course of your life. But, it was destined to be, just as it was fated that we separated, for if I had of stayed Greece bound, I would never have moved through my spiritual awakening and become a guide for God that I am today.

Again, what seems like a burden can become your greatest blessing, just as it was for me. I would never have thought that the day would come that I would be grateful that the man I loved met someone else. Yet, here I am. So happy to be free, for freedom was what I dreamed about as a little girl. 

Whilst I struggled emotionally when I was in Greece, and missed out on so many delicious recipes due to my eating disorder, as I said, there was one that I did fall in love with. It could be called a pea stew, as it is that thick and hearty. It is rich, thanks to the olive oil & tomatoes. The greeks serve it as a side dish with feta and crusty bread. I like it on its own. So, if you love peas, you will love this dish.

Greek Pea Stew

  • 500 grams peas (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 onion diced
  • 2 carrots sliced
  • potatoes cut in bite-size pieces
  • 1/2 can diced tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • salt/pepper


1. Heat olive oil in a medium-sized pot.
2. Sauté onions, carrots and potatoes for 5 minutes.
3. Add peas and heat and mix until all peas are covered in the olive oil.
4. Add the tomato, salt & pepper. Add enough hot water so that the peas are covered.
5. Mix well and bring to a boil. Then lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes, until peas are soft and water is gone.


Much love, peace, and Truforgiveness,

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